A brick building with a garden in front of it at Dolphin Square in London.

Preservation, Improvement & Restoration

Every apartment will undergo important restoration work at some point over the next seven years – delivered on a house by house basis, starting with Rodney, Duncan and Beatty

Our Guiding Principles:

Firstly, and critically, we recognise that this is your home.

Behind the language of projects, phases and works - this is your home, we understand and respect that. Your comfort, well-being and happiness are our priority. We’ll listen and where you have questions, concerns or queries, will always endeavour to respond as quickly as we can.

We want to and will engage with you individually.

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach. As each phase is launched, every affected resident will be contacted individually by a dedicated team to discuss their own particular situation.

We’ll always respect your legal rights.

There’s no question of us acting in any way other than is set out in the terms of your lease. We’ll always carry out our own responsibilities in a full and proper manner.

We’ll ensure we give appropriate, and the maximum possible notice, before the works are due to start.

We recognise people will need time to adjust and will begin the process of engagement with affected residents at the earliest possible opportunity.

A black and white photo of Dolphin Square's large brick building
Scale of The Project

Guided by Our Vision For The Restoration Programme

  • To preserve the building.
  • To modernise the mechanical services, and the environmental performance of the building.
  • To improve the interiors, amenities and apartments for contemporary living.
  • To protect the gardens, residents and character.
  • To include and value diversity in our community.
  • To restore the attraction of living at this quintessential London address.

Historic Building

Working within a building designed c.90 years ago by architect Gordon Jeeves, Dolphin Square has its own character and sense of place. We’re protecting this through maintaining the fabric of the building – the 125+ tonnes of concrete, 12 million bricks and c.6,000 windows forming its outer walls – and making important improvements to the mechanical services.

Respecting Our Surrounding Environment

Inside and outside Dolphin Square. We’re proud to be part of the Pimlico Conservation Area. The Restoration Programme will recognise and respect all our neighbours – those who live in and around the estate, as well as the rich flora and fauna that thrive in its listed gardens.


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